A happy Pesach to you. I trust your holiday is going well and you’ve already adjusted to the first round of delicious matzah, wine, brisket and all other Pesach delicacies.
Let me ask you a personal question if I may: Do you ever feel just a wee bit anxious these days? Do events around the world, in our country, or your personal life make you a bit uncomfortable? Does it feel like things are just so unstable and the very ground you stand on isn’t as firm as you’d always hoped it would be?
Well, I certainly feel that way sometimes. It’s only natural with everything going on, after all.
And that’s why I want to personally invite you to the dinner we’re hosting on Saturday, the final day of Passover. We’re hosting a program called Oasis of Calm. Hear me out why: that entire day is all about focusing on the final redemption with Moshiach. Our nation has experienced redemptions before, and history has shown that they could literally come in the blink of an eye. Armies surrounding us, death threats over our heads, and little power to speak of, and then. . . Poof! Redemption came swooping in.
If it happened before, it could happen again.
Join me and others in our community this final day of Passover, April 30 for a full-on "Feast of Moshiach," where we will one last time eat matzah, drink four cups of wine, and orient our minds to the future. To create a mindset that says, "Things can turn around in an instant, so there’s nothing to worry about now. I’ll put present-day anxieties aside and focus on the reassuring reality that the awaited future, a time of only good, can be already now."
If only for a moment, we will elevate ourselves to that Oasis of Calm we so desperately need to power us through the rest of the year.
I’ll save you a seat. Happy Pesach!
Rabbi Israel
Tuesday, April 30, 7:30pm
Address is 790 Solana Dr, Lafayette CA 94549