
Unity Torah

  • The Torah is the most sacred religious article in Jewish life. It is perfectly intact just as we received it some 3,300 years ago. It forms a timeless connection to the past and is the key to a Jewish future. It evokes something special in our hearts, as it represents the unbroken chain of Jewish tradition and survival.

    When a new Torah is welcomed into a community it is a tremendous honor and blessing to the community and to the souls of those in whose memory the Torah is dedicated in their name.

    The Torah is now completed and the ceremony will take place April 14!

    Dedicate a part of the Torah for yourself, your family and your loved ones!

  • Dedications

  • We invite you to participate in the writing of the Unity Torah through endowing a letter, word, sentence, portion or book in honor of you, a family member or in memory of a loved one.

    All donors will receive a certificate with a description of their dedication.

    I would like to participate in the Unity Torah. Please reserve the following dedication:

  • Sefer $5,400

    One complete book of the Five Books of the Torah. Book sponsors dedications will be embroidered on the back of the Torah mantle.

  • Special Selections $3,600

  • Special Selections $1,800

  • Chazak $1,200

    Dedicate the last verse of a book

  • Parsha $720

  • Aliyah $360

  • Verse $180

  • Word $72

  • Letter $18

  • Torah Accessories

  • $0.00
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